We do wholesale and dropship

Our handbags and accessories are available for wholesale and dropship, as we design and manufacture all our products. Please register to begin your journey with us.

Our Commitment to Quality and Privacy:

Premium Materials: Every bag we create is crafted from the finest genuine cowhide leather. We never compromise on quality by using imitation materials, or any inferior alternatives.
Discreet Packaging: To ensure your brand's integrity, we do not include any of our company's information in the bag or its packaging.
Respect for Your Customer Relationships: We maintain a strict policy of non-interference and will not directly engage with your customers.
Privacy Assurance: Your information is secure with us. We pledge not to share any details with third parties, safeguarding your privacy and trust.


    For OEM/ODM inquiries, please reach out to us directly for a detailed discussion.

    For dropship, 

    We provide comprehensive information for all our products, including high-resolution photos, dimensions, descriptions, and more.
    For drop shipping orders, we dispatch within 1-3 business days after receiving payment. Delivery to worldwide destinations typically takes about 5 days.
    We accept returns if the product is not as described, damaged, or if you or your customer are unsatisfied with it in 30days.



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